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3 different ways to split strings in Go

·2 mins

When working with strings and text, many times we decide to cut the strings to wrods but then what a word is, and also what is going to be considered a seperator. This factors are so important for us to make a decision, but lets take a closer look at the commen ways

Breaking strings #

The simple impelemntation of fields do seperate a word by a whitespace. white spaces will be accordring to the unicode.IsSpace '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', U+0085 (NEL), U+00A0 (NBSP). The function can be found here.

func breakingSubstring() {
    phrase := "Don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating."
    words := strings.Fields(phrase)
    for _, v := range words {

This will print out >Don’t communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating.

Split a string using a “splitter” #

Split, slices the string, by the definied seperator as a second argument, and returns all the substrings between those separators If sep is empty, Split splits after each UTF-8 sequence.

func SplitingString() {
    phrase := "Don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating."
    words := strings.Split(phrase, ",")
    for _, v := range words {

Don’t communicate by sharing memory  share memory by communicating.

Using regex pattern matching #

For this simple example, I demonstrate how using a Regex to split an email from the domain.

func usingRegex() {
    words := regexp.MustCompile("[@]").Split("[email protected]", -1)
    for _, v := range words {
